Vision Protection for the Eclipse and Beyond – Dr. Aaron Glass
All of the doctors here at MyEyes Optometry want to make sure that you know what to do to watch the upcoming solar eclipse safely!
If you do not have eclipse glasses with the specific ISO 12312-2 international safety standard clearly marked, then DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT THE SUN during the eclipse. Unfortunately, we do not have these glasses available at our office.
During the rest of the year it is also important to protect your eyes from harmful UV radiation with polarized sunglasses whenever you are outdoors.
3) Wearing a polarized “clip-on” or “over” pair of glasses like “Cocoons” available at our offices.
Sunglasses alone are not safe to use to see the eclipse. Even if you tried to see the sun with the naked eye or polarized sunglasses the halo of the sun makes it impossible to appreciate the crescent shape of the sun hidden by the moon… All you would be doing is burning your retinas! So we will say it again, if you do not have “certified” eclipse glasses, do NOT stare or even look at the sun trying to see the eclipse.
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